Monday, June 11, 2012


It has been entirely way too long since I blogged. So here we go.
I finished The Hunger Games trilogy awhile back. It was way better than I ever thought it would be. The third book had me in tears. Since then, I've been reading my fourth book of the summer, Pride and Prejudice. It's absolutely perfect. I've watched the movie many times, but never read the book. So of course, being me, I just had to dive right in when I had the chance.
I've been running a lot more lately, training for the Akron Marathon. I'm running the half. My friend, Ben, is running it with me, and he's running with me about three times a week. It's a little rough, since it's been awhile since I ran consistantly on a weekly basis.
Let's see, what else... Oh yes, I finally got back into Pottermore. It is amazing. I finished the first book online. I think I want to read the books again. I have been craving the movies as well and think I'm just going to have to have myself a little marathon.
I've been taking Yoga from the wonderful Tom Smith three days a week, but I wish I had it every day. It relaxes me so.
Dance classes start up Monday, and since I haven't been in class since the first week of May, I am dying to dance. It was nice to have a break, but I am more than ready to be in class every week again. I just wish Katie was back for the summer. I miss her so much and especially lately.
I have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow, thank goodness. I have one right contact left, one left contact left, my glasses are slipping off my face, and I can barely see straight.
It's really hot. That is completely irrelevant, but I just had to say it.
I love being able to do all the things I love. Sadly, I can almost never accomplish this unless it's Summer.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

So many thoughts...

This time last year, I had a serious case of Senioritis, and I was ready to graduate. I was sick of caring about my gpa and the pointless classes I had to take. I just wanted to move on with my life. Now, after my first year of college, I can't help but look back. I was right about a lot of things. My gpa in high school barely mattered, and now it couldn't matter any less. Yes, I still have to take General Education classes, but they aren't nearly as bad as the ones in high school. And one of the most important things I was right about... I get to call the shots now. I get to schedule my own classes. I get to choose what time I want to have some of my classes. I even get to choose my major; what do you know! My freshman year taught me a whole lot about myself. I think I'm a lot smarter than I thought I was. I know more about this crazy world we live in than many of the people who sat in my English Composition II class. English Comp I was awesome. I had an amazing teacher. Even teared up the last day when I was leaving. My classmates were intelligent, and I loved listening to what they had to say. I really miss going to that class four days a week. I think I only ever missed one class, and it was because I worked the election polls that day.
Something else I learned about myself: I stopped letting people walk all over me. I started opening my mouth more. I think I didn't do that as much my senior year of high school because junior year, I got in trouble for it. But you know what? The people who take a stand for what they believe, for what their values are, they're usually the ones who go just a little bit farther than everyone else. So, when I had a problem with something this past year, you better bet I spoke up about it. I just got so tired of people "putting me in my place." There are times when they need to do that, but not All the time. I want people to know how I feel. I like to try and work things out.
Oh and another thing. When someone says something to you about how you did something wrong or how bad you were at something, just take it or leave it. If it's true, then take it with a grain of salt and move on and improve yourself. If it's not true and you know it, then Forget it. You know the truth, so why fret? I went through this a few times this year. One of the times, I think I needed to hear what this person had to say. It was about how the speech I gave was "really bad." Now I think saying it was really bad is a little harsh, but it definitely needed improvement. However, his comment actually helped me. After disagreeing with him and whining to some of my friends about it, I finally took a step back and used what he said as a learning tool. My next speech was killer, and honestly, if it wasn't for that kid telling me my last speech was bad, that wouldn't have been the case. I ended up doing the entire speech almost completely by memory. And let me tell you, I felt like a badass. I was so proud of myself. The rest of my speeches were also good because of that. I could never thank him enough.
Something else I learned about myself: I am capable of being a leader. I have always sort of questioned this about myself. But after this year, I can confirm that I am more of a leader than I thought I ever was. And looking back, I have always been a leader. It's funny... how I have been something for so long, and I didn't even realize.
I did really well my Freshman year of college. I passed all of my classes with either and A or a B. I moved up in all of my dance classes someway, somehow. I was in two dance shows. I was rather focused on getting my work done before having fun. I didn't let others distract me Too much. I also had a ton of fun. I joined a sorority, something I never really had much interest in before. I partied. I went out. I went to the clubs. I was involved. I went to a concert. I sang a solo on stage for a huge Greek Life event and was one of the committee members who helped put my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta's piece together. I volunteered a lot. I made a lot of friends. I ran 13 miles (not all at once) at Relay For Life. I had so many opportunities and accomplished so much this school year. I am so happy dance is now part of my every day schedule. I have never been so involved with something at school in my life. Besides choir. It's just really rewarding.
Last week, I even flew to New York City by myself, stayed with someone, and auditioned for two different things at Radio City Music Hall. I've always been independent, but I was so proud of myself for even trying at something that was such a big deal.
There was quite a bit of heart ache for me this past year, but I think it's because I was learning so much about myself. I'm still the same person. I'm just a little more confident, a little bit more informed, and I stand a little taller.

Now, maybe you're thinking I'm bragging about myself. Well, I kind of am. Because I'm human and because most of the time, I think about all the things I do wrong, all the things I failed at doing, and blah blah. So tonight, I wanted to flip the table. Sometimes, you just need to give yourself some credit.

These were my thoughts for the night, all jumbled up into one blog post. Hope you've enjoyed.

See you on the other side.

Just a song that I thought went with this somewhat.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Catching you up..

On Friday, Alana and I went to East Village Manhattan to get S'macs macaroni and cheese. It was so good that we were eating it on the subway on the way to Central Park, where we were planning on eating it. When we got to Central Park, we sat on top this Huge rock and had a fantastic view of the city.  Then on our way to Times Square, we got gelato. I got pinapple, strawberry, and mango; we were allowed three scoops. It was so good. After that, we sat on the big red stairs and had a great view of Times Square :) It's so much cooler at night! Gets me everytime. Then we did a little shopping at Forever 21... or I did at least. Afterward, we hopped on the subway and made our way home.
The next day, I got my things, and Alana escorted me to Grand Central. We had to take three different trains to get there because of construction. That was real amusing with my suitcase and all. I manuevered pretty efficiently, though!! All I have to say is Alana is very patient. I could not ever thank her enough for letting me stay with her for an entire week. It was an amazing experience I'll never forget.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Over the past two days......

I have been having such a good time here in New York. I can't believe it's getting to be that time where I have to go home. Home doesn't even really feel like home anymore. I moved back from college the day before I packed my things to come here. College was my home, Alpha Gam specifically. When I moved everything into my room, I couldn't even remember where some stuff went. It was really strange.
But getting back to two days ago...
Wednesday, Alana and I rode the subway into West Village Manhattan, my favorite place in New York so far. I literally loved the area. It was so quaint and cute. There were a lot of little shops and restaurants. It sort of reminded me of Downtown Canal Fulton, where me and Ash would ride our bikes to and back. Alana and I got subs from this place called "Bagels on the Square" and got some bagels too. I bought a poetry book from this small but jam-packed bookstore. Then we went to Molly's Cupcakes, and I got a Nutella-filled peanut butter one. Alana got a butterscotch one? We also went to this popsicle place called "Popbar." It was really neat. I ended up getting a pistachio flavored one, and Alana got grapefruit. It was just a nice little getaway trip.
Thursday, I planned on waking up at five, seeing as the audition time posted for Vocalists and Singers for Radio City was at 10 a.m. I wanted to leave at six, get there by seven and get in the first group. That didn't happen because I slept through my alarm clock or turned it off, something I rarely ever do. So, luckily Erica came in and asked me what I was doing and that it was 6:40. You bet I jumped off that couch! I was out of that apartment by 6:55 and at the Subway station by 7:04. Don't ask me how I did it because for all I remember, the 'walk' to the subway is 15 minutes. Once I got to 50th and Broadway, it was a little after eight. I swear I could see the line forming at Radio City from there. I booked it and got to the line. I made it into Group C, and I was fine with that. Gave me more time to prepare.
When I came back for my group, we were escorted in not too long after. When we went in, the lady was handing people that were just arriving, Group G slips.. We were given time to change and prepare ourselves before they took us five at a time to get lined up in the hallway. They wanted 16 bars of an uptempo song, showing off our range. I decided on "Don't Rain On My Parade," famously sung by Barbara Streisand. The process was fast. I waited in the hall for maybe five minutes, went in, handed the pianist my music and told him what to play, stood on the T, sang, and then I got a "Thank you, Lee." That was it.
I went to both auditions expecting nothing, good or bad. That's exactly what I received in return. It was a really good thing I came to New York to do this. I needed the experience more than anything. I needed to know what I was up against. The world is wonderful, but it can be competitive and cut throat. Going through this actually reinforced the idea in my mind that I need to audition as much as I can. That's all you can do.
After the audition, I walked to Alana's school, and when she and Erica were done, we went to a Chinese restaurant. It was delicious. Then we went home for the night and all took naps.
Today, I think Alana and I are spending time in Central Park. I cannot wait. Then we're going to Times Square at night. Should be nothing short of amazing. Sad I'm going home tomorrow. That is all.


Bye for now :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New York, New York

I've been in the city since Saturday night now, and it is nothing short of what I expected.  From fashion, to fast pace, to delicious food, to endless stores that don't all have the same things, I don't know how much better things could get.  I'm not even that bad at navigating the Subway system... except for yesterday when I got on the right train going in the wrong direction. Woops. Lesson learned.
So Monday I had my first audition for Radio City, and although I got cut (which I expected), it was a great experience. I got there early enough to get into Group A. There were three groups, and the audition was supposed to be at 2:00, but I got in the building early. And even though there were three groups, there were still A LOT of people in my group---well over 100. Luckily, a girl from my college was there weird enough, and we stuck together. We got cut at the same time and shrugged it off. Not a big deal. Although we were confident going in, we're outsiders who don't know any insiders, and that played a big role in whether we were cut or not.
Nonetheless, I am so happy I went and experienced my first real New York City audition. Thursday I have another audition at Radio City, and I can't wait! It's so fun and nervewrecking at the same time! I'll be singing a ballad and up-tempo song of my choice. Should be interesting..wonder if they'll let me sing more than 16 bars of each.
Today I rode the subway into Times Square to meet up with Alana and Erica and we had late lunch/early dinner with their two friends from school. It was really entertaining. Her friends are a hoot. After that, Erica went home, and Alana and I went shopping. We made at small pitstop at the Hershey store and then rode the subway to Manhattan Mall. It was awesome. I bought some things (pictures to follow).
That is a very short version of what my week has been like so far.
Au revoir.

where I auditioned Monday (:
these people were on a tour with headsets on.... I was laughing
only a small portion of "the line"
Times Square
Buys of the day!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'm in New York City. It's about time.

Right now, I'm sitting with Alana in her kitchen... in Brooklyn!! yayyy. We're staying up to see the supermoon tonight. So excited. Just a minute ago we were playing with her cats and taking webcam pictures with them. This is as close to perfection as it gets, let me tell you. I'm planning on blogging every day that I'm here with auditions and everything.
Today, I got here in one piece, made it all the way to Grand Central Station to meet Alana. Even got Starbucks! Winning. The plane ride wasn't bad except for my ears killing towards the end, and I haven't ridden a plane since I was nine I think. Think I did pretty well all things considering. My mom didn't want to say goodbye at security but hey, I'm not little forever.
First audition's Monday. Farewell for now!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This time I want it all.

A little poem....

haven't written one in a long time.


Anxious Mind

by Leah Anthony

The air is stiff
Sun is setting
It's getting to be that time
That time to wind down and think
Think about how you got to this place
This place that you have come to call home
Almost time to leave
And you are relieved
It's bittersweet
But it feels so good
To be going back to where you were
Where you came from
Where you grew up
You will miss it
You might even cry
But this time around
You're starting over fresh
And this time
You want it all
You want to be overwhelmed
By the beauty
Of being somewhere you used to know